The roads will be HMA Base Crushing, Modified by other. The aggregate base to be tailgated on the roads after the HMA Base Crushing, Modified has been completed. The completion date fot the HMA Base Crushing, Modified is June 1, 2017. The completion date for Furnish, Haul, and Tailgate MDOT 22A Aggregate Base Course is July 9, 2017 so that the
7.3 Fine Aggregate - See Table II and Table III for detailed test sample size for various types of fine aggregate andsoil. 7.4 Coarse Aggregate - See Table IV for detailed test sample sizes for various types of coarse aggregates. 7.5 Coarse and Fine Aggregate Mixtures - See Table VI for detailed test sample sizes for various
hma base crushing, modified and aggregate base course
* Glass must meet certification requirements on the Grading and Base website. Combine glass with other aggregates during the crushing operation. † If material ≥ 20% RAP and/or Concrete, Class 5 crushing requirement is met.] † If material ≥ 60% RAP and/or Concrete, Class 5Q crushing requirement is met.
The work will consist of crushing and stockpiling or crushing and delivery of crushed aggregate base course material conforming to the specifications for Base Aggregate in the latest edition of “Wisconsin DOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction” and any attached supplemental specification.
Inspection of Aggregate Production In the production of subbase and base course aggregates, if for any reason it is deemed advisable to depart from the requirements of the Standard Specifications or Special Provisions, a supplemental agreement shall be submitted.
The work will consist of crushing and stockpiling or crushing and delivery of crushed aggregate base course material conforming to the specifications for Base Aggregate in the latest edition of “Wisconsin DOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction” and any attached supplemental specification.
* Glass must meet certification requirements on the Grading and Base website. Combine glass with other aggregates during the crushing operation. † If material ≥ 20% RAP and/or Concrete, Class 5 crushing requirement is met.] † If material ≥ 60% RAP and/or Concrete, Class 5Q crushing requirement is met.
Washington Yes up to 100% as base (9-03.21) Wisconsin >= 90% crushed concrete that is free of steel reinforcement. And include
asphalt and mineral aggregate and a base course. The base course is generally com posed of granular material such as crushed aggregate, gravel, selected soil, or a mix ture of selected soil and aggregate. Since the cost of the surface course per ton is sev eral times that of the base course, its thickness is generally just a fraction of
2.4 Base course Material specifications as per ERA Manual The particle size distribution recommended by [3] for crushed stone base course materials (GB1) is shown in table 2.1 Table 2.1: Grading Limits for Graded Crushed Stone Base Course Materials (GB1) [3] Test sieve (mm) Nominal maximum particle size 37.5
asphalt and mineral aggregate and a base course. The base course is generally com posed of granular material such as crushed aggregate, gravel, selected soil, or a mix ture of selected soil and aggregate. Since the cost of the surface course per ton is sev eral times that of the base course, its thickness is generally just a fraction of
903.04-Aggregate for Lean Concrete Base. Aggregate for Lean Concrete Base shall consist of crushed limestone, crushed slag, crushed or uncrushed gravel meeting the requirements of Subsection 903.05, for Class B, Grading D. The aggregate may be a "crusher or pit run" or may be sized into two or more sizes.
outlined in Item 230.5, of "Crushed Aggregate Base Course". 231.6 Measurement. "Cement Stabilized Crushed Aggregate Base", will be measured by the square yard of material, furnished and compacted in place and to the thickness specified, or as shown on the plans.
Reclaimed stabilized base material shall be mixed with loam as specified in 2.6. Reclaimed stabilized base material shall not be substituted for crushed aggregate for shoulders in areas contiguous to residences and other existing landscaped areas where the growth of grass is desired. 3.2 Aggregate Crushing Plant.
aggregate 6A prior to crushing. The Engineer will only allow stone sand in concrete base course or structural concrete not exposed to vehicular traffic. Soft Particles. Structurally weak particles or particles experiencing environmental deterioration, including shale, siltstone, friable sandstone, ochre, coal, and clay-ironstone. Crushed Particles.
This item consists of a recycled asphalt aggregate base course resulting from the inplace full
the base course or subbase may be increased to 8 inches upon approval. 6-1 After mixing and shaping, each layer shall be compacted within twenty percent (20%) of its optimum moisture conte nt. The density of each layer of base aggregate m aterial, when com pared to the theoretical m axim um density as
aggregate base course 6.75 miles in berrien county . board of county road commissioners . of the county of berrien . 2860 east napier avenue . benton harbor, mi 49022 . 1-269-925-1196 or 1-800-442-0734
Aggregate Base 5-6 Aggregate Subbase 7-8 Asphalt Cement (PG XX-XX) 30 Mineral Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete Friction Course (ACFC) 12 Mineral Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete Friction Course 15 (Asphalt-Rubber) [AR-ACFC] Crusher Belt or Stockpile At start of production, then as material changes. Optimum
SPECIFICATION P–208. AGGREGATE BASE COURSE DESCRIPTION 208–1.1 This Work consists of a base course composed of hard, durable particles or fragments of crushed coarse aggregate blended with either binder and fine aggregate or filler. Construct it on a prepared underlying course in accordance with these Specifications and in conformance
The roads will be HMA Base Crushing, Modified by other. The aggregate base to be tailgated on the roads after the HMA Base Crushing, Modified has been completed. The completion date fot the HMA Base Crushing, Modified is June 1, 2017. The completion date for Furnish, Haul, and Tailgate MDOT 22A Aggregate Base Course is July 9, 2017 so that the
This item consists of a recycled asphalt aggregate base course resulting from the inplace full
the base course or subbase may be increased to 8 inches upon approval. 6-1 After mixing and shaping, each layer shall be compacted within twenty percent (20%) of its optimum moisture conte nt. The density of each layer of base aggregate m aterial, when com pared to the theoretical m axim um density as
The roads will be HMA Base Crushing, Modified by other. The aggregate base to be tailgated on the roads after the HMA Base Crushing, Modified has been completed. The completion date fot the HMA Base Crushing, Modified is June 1, 2017. The completion date for Furnish, Haul, and Tailgate MDOT 22A Aggregate Base Course is July 9, 2017 so that the
This item consists of a recycled asphalt aggregate base course resulting from the inplace full
the base course or subbase may be increased to 8 inches upon approval. 6-1 After mixing and shaping, each layer shall be compacted within twenty percent (20%) of its optimum moisture conte nt. The density of each layer of base aggregate m aterial, when com pared to the theoretical m axim um density as
The work will consist of crushing and stockpiling or crushing and delivery of crushed aggregate base course material conforming to the specifications for Base Aggregate in the latest edition of “Wisconsin DOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction” and any attached supplemental specification.
A. The aggregate base course shall be constructed to the width and section sho wn in the DRAWINGS. If the required compacted depth of base course exceeds six (6) inches, the base shall be constructed in two (2) or more layers of approximate equal thickness. The maximum compacted thickness of any one (1) layer shall not exceed six (6) inches. B.
2.4 Base course Material specifications as per ERA Manual The particle size distribution recommended by [3] for crushed stone base course materials (GB1) is shown in table 2.1 Table 2.1: Grading Limits for Graded Crushed Stone Base Course Materials (GB1) [3] Test sieve (mm) Nominal maximum particle size 37.5
result to the existing subgrade or base course in place. General: 1. Gradations and amounts to be used shall be set by an authorized person(s) of the Town as deemed necessary per job. 2. Crushed aggregate base coarse (Compaction Gravel) shall be purchased per standard ton with a standard ton to weight 2,000 pounds for the purpose of this contract.
result to the existing subgrade or base course in place. General: 1. Gradations and amounts to be used shall be set by an authorized person(s) of the Town as deemed necessary per job. 2. Crushed aggregate base coarse (Compaction Gravel) shall be purchased per standard ton with a standard ton to weight 2,000 pounds for the purpose of this contract.
Base course (base) A layer of Crushed rock (crushed stone) Reasonably clean, tough, durable rock fragments broken by crushing coarse rock fragments or aggregate so that essentially all particle faces are freshly fractured (ASTM, 1988a, Designation D693 -84; Langer, 1988, p. 3).
ITEM P-209 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE . DESCRIPTION . 209-1.1. This item consists of a base course composed of crushed aggregate constructed on a prepared course in accordance with these Specifications and to the dimensions and typical cross -sections shown on the Plans. MATERIALS . 209-2.1 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE.