Determination of Fineness Modulus of Sand To determine the fineness modulus, we need standard sieves, mechanical sieve shaker (optional), dry oven and digital weight scale. Sample preparation Take a sample of fine aggregate in pan and placed it in dry oven at a temperature of 100 – 110 o C. After drying take the sample and note down its weight.
The stone powder content in the ordinary process manufactured sand is 15.9%, the MB value is 1.5, and the fineness modulus is 3.0. Dry sand production process, the stone powder content of manufactured sand is 13.8%, MB value is 0.5, and fineness modulus is 2.9.
The Glass Powder is used as 20% replacement of the cement and Stone Dust as the partial replacement of Fine Aggregate from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The grade of the concrete here is M25 and M30 grade. Slump Test was carried out for the fresh concrete whereas Compressive Strength, Flexure Strength and Split Tensile Tests were carried for the
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust. Which is Better Sand Maker Hammer Vertical or Roll Crusher It takes a long time to adjust the particle size particle grading and fineness modulus of the product by adjusting the gap of the grate The controllability of product quality is not high 2 Vertical Shaft Crusher Vertical shaft crusher is composed of vertical shaft impact crusher vibrating screen dust
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust. 2. Fineness modulus 4% . Quarry Rock Dust: Quarry rock dust is a waste material obtained from stone quarries while crushing stones, stone crusher dust, which is available abundantly from crusher units at a low cost in many areas, provides a viable alternative for river sand in concrete.
Stone crusher dust as
stone crusher dust as
how to calculate fineness modulus of crusher dust. Quarry dust 2688 Coarse aggregate 2703 323 Fineness Modulus Fineness modulus is an empirical factor obtained by adding the cumulative percentages of aggregate retained on each of the standard sieves ranging from 475mm to 150 microns and dividing the sum by an arbitrary number 100 The larger the value the coarser is the material
Fineness Modulus of 10 mm Aggregate 6.9 Fineness Modulus of 20 mm Aggregate 7.7 Water Absorption 0.8 150 X 150 mm were casted during this investigation. Specific Gravity 2.6 curing Fig. 2. Particle Size Distribution of Coarse Aggregate D. Stone dust
Abstract — Quarry dust which is generally considered as a waste766 Кб. Locally available well-graded quarry dust, conforming to Zone-II having specific gravity 2.68 and fineness modulus 2.70 was used as fine aggregate. Natural granite aggregate having density of 2700kg/m3, specific gravity 2.7and fineness modulus 4.33 was used as coarse
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust 30Lp5
Fineness Modulus For Crush Sand BookZone. Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust Which is better sand maker hammer vertical or roll crusher it takes a long time to adjust the particle size particle grading and fineness modulus of the product by adjusting the gap of the grate the controllability of product quality is not high 2 vertical shaft crusher vertical shaft crusher is composed of vertical
suitability of crushed stone dust as fine. using crushed stone dust as well as natural river sand the following tests were performed 1 physical properties like bulk density fineness modulus etc grain...
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust What is Fineness Modulus of Sand Fine Therefore fineness modulus of aggregate cumulative retained 100 275100 275 Fineness modulus of fine aggregate is 275 It means the average value of aggregate is in between the 2 nd sieve and 3 rd sieve It means the average aggregate size is in...
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust 30Lp5 Dahmen . Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust Which is better sand maker hammer vertical or roll crusher it takes a long time to adjust the particle size particle grading and fineness modulus of the product by adjusting the gap of the grate the controllability of product quality is not high 2 vertical shaft crusher vertical shaft crusher is composed of
Download Table | sand equivalent value, fineness modulus and dust content of quarry waste samples. from publication: Investigation of Engineering Properties of Quarry Waste in the East of Thailand
Crusher dust sieve analysis dietisthoofddorpnl how to calculate fineness modulus of crusher dust aimad conventional paving block and brick making machines compressed riversand crusher dust up till 8mm stone or ash mixed with cement products such as pavers bricks particle size analysis powder technology inc chat now more . Read More
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust 30Lp5 Dahmen . Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust Which is better sand maker hammer vertical or roll crusher it takes a long time to adjust the particle size particle grading and fineness modulus of the product by adjusting the gap of the grate the controllability of product quality is not high 2 vertical shaft crusher vertical shaft crusher is composed of
Fineness Modulus For Crusher Sand. Fineness modulus of crusher dust takabudka pl limestone crusher dust is used as a filler material for cement or river sand was used as fine aggregate with fineness modulus of the results of slump test was done according to astm c to determine the concrete mixturesas a leading global manufacturer of crushing
Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust Fineness modulus of crusher dust goldhead sand fineness modulus crusher and grinding mill info in crusherb2b part contact supplier 14 aggregates aggregate is a collective term for the mineral materials such as sand aggregate is fineness modulus is defined as the sum of the cumulative percentages retained chat with sales read more.
Fineness modulus value for quarry dust . How To Calculate Fineness Modulus Of Crusher Dust strength of concrete when replacing sand by quarry dust from 0% to in crusher powder, a quarry waste as an alternative material to replace sand by Fineness Modulus 3 To determine consistency of concrete, Slump test was Read More. Oline Chat
using Crushed stone dust as well as natural river sand. The following tests were performed: 1. Physical properties like bulk density, fineness modulus etc., grain...
Fineness Modulus Value For Quarry Dust. Fine aggregate with quarry dust test results are shown in the table4 and table 5 table 4 compressive strength of concrete when cement is replaced with marble powder sno properties values 1 specific gravity 26 2 water absorption 13 3 fineness modulus 257 of marble dust 7 days mpa 28 days mpa 0 223 265 5 2265 272.
quarries while the stone crushes, stone crusher dust that is abundantly available from crusher units at a low-priced in many areas, maintain practical option for concrete river sand. Table-3.3 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate S.NO PROPERTIES TEST VALUES RS MS QS 1 Specific gravity 2.6 2.8 1.8 Fineness modulus 2.25 2.4 2.56
Test is conducted for dry sample in order to know the grain size distribution of aggregates. The average value of fineness modulus is found. The zoning of aggregate as per IS: 2386(PART III): 1963 is found. The test results are given in table 5 for natural sand and table 6 for manufactured sand.
Fineness modulus and specific gravity of this material was 2.76 and 2.3 Crusher dust is a fine material formed during the process of comminution of rock into crushed stone or crushed
Fineness Modulus of 10 mm Aggregate 6.9 Fineness Modulus of 20 mm Aggregate 7.7 Water Absorption 0.8 150 X 150 mm were casted during this investigation. Specific Gravity 2.6 curing Fig. 2. Particle Size Distribution of Coarse Aggregate D. Stone dust
Abstract — Quarry dust which is generally considered as a waste766 Кб. Locally available well-graded quarry dust, conforming to Zone-II having specific gravity 2.68 and fineness modulus 2.70 was used as fine aggregate. Natural granite aggregate having density of 2700kg/m3, specific gravity 2.7and fineness modulus 4.33 was used as coarse
fineness modulus was varied in either direction from this optimum valve for three of the An excess of fine-fines (crusher dust) in some aggregate will frequently fineness modulus. The fine texture gradation and the coarse texture gradation it may be noted that the tolerance of the percentage between tine and coarse for get price
Determination of Fineness Modulus of Sand To determine the fineness modulus, we need standard sieves, mechanical sieve shaker (optional), dry oven and digital weight scale. Sample preparation Take a sample of fine aggregate in pan and placed it in dry oven at a temperature of 100 – 110 o C. After drying take the sample and note down its weight.
Density Of Crusher Dust Wiki. Density of sand and crusher dust Density of crusher dust wiki luebeckerbridgeclubde Density Of Crusher Dust Crusher Mills Cone Crushe Crusher dust Fineness Modulus specific gravity of the sand used for the preparation of concrete was found to be higher than the specific gravity of crusher dust how many tons of quarry dust are in a cubic foot Gold Ore Dry sand has a
how to calculate fineness modulus of crusher dust. Quarry dust 2688 Coarse aggregate 2703 323 Fineness Modulus Fineness modulus is an empirical factor obtained by adding the cumulative percentages of aggregate retained on each of the standard sieves ranging from 475mm to 150 microns and dividing the sum by an arbitrary number 100 The larger the value the coarser is the material
Crusher.Fineness modulus of crusher dust goldhead sand fineness modulus crusher and grinding mill info in crusherb2b part contact supplier 14 aggregates aggregate is a collective term for the mineral materials such as sand aggregate is fineness modulus is defined as the sum of the cumulative percentages retained chat with sales .Crusher dust have excellent load bearing capability and durability.
The physical characteristics of sand mainly include fineness modulus, hardness and roundness. The fineness modulus is an index used to measure the degree of sand thickness. According to the fineness modulus, it can be divided into three categories: coarse sand (3.7~3.1), medium sand (3.0~2.3) and fine sand (2.2~1.6) .
suitability of crushed stone dust as fine. using crushed stone dust as well as natural river sand the following tests were performed 1 physical properties like bulk density fineness modulus etc grain...